For me, portrait photography transcends the pursuit of merely capturing beautiful and successful images.

I aim to craft each portrait in a way that evokes a mystical quality, inviting viewers to linger and discover deeper layers within the photograph, often embodying archetypal themes. Whether portraying strength, vulnerability, or a spectrum of emotions like fear and joy, my intention is to create a visual narrative that resonates beyond the surface.

Central to this process is the emphasis on highlighting the unique contours of the face. Through deliberate experimentation with lighting techniques, I seek to attain a specific artistic expression, shaping the photograph to convey the desired mood and atmosphere.

It is crucial to note that I discourage individuals from seeking conventional passport-style photos. Instead, I invite them to explore the creative potential inherent in the interplay of the camera, lighting, the model's presence, and the dynamic relationships between these elements. This approach allows me to push the boundaries of artistic expression with the available resources.

The initiation of a portrait holds countless possibilities, and the ultimate outcome serves as a reflection of my artistic vision, revealing more about my creative process than about the individual being portrayed.

TEIS ALBERS (1982) The Netherlands